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academic expectations

Last Updated:

August 04, 2023

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Maintaining your student status by maintaining your study

International students, there are certain academic expectations that must be met. Generally, international students are expected to maintain good academic standing and comply with the academic policies of their institution. These include:

Enrolling as a full-time student: International students on F-1 visas are required to be enrolled as full-time students, which generally means taking a minimum of 15 or 12 credits per quarter or semester that is equal to 3 to 5 courses.

Academic maintaining and standing: International students are expected to maintain a satisfactory academic standing and make progress towards their degree. This includes meeting the minimum GPA requirements set by the university.

Normal academic progress: International students must make normal academic progress towards their degree, which means completing their coursework within a reasonable timeframe.

Classes Attendance regularly: International students are expected to attend all classes and maintain a high level of attendance.

Academic policies and regulations: International students must adhere to all academic policies and regulations set forth by their university, including deadlines for course registration, adding/dropping courses, and withdrawing from classes.

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Colleges or universities may also offer additional support services, such as academic tutoring, language labs, or cultural adjustment programs, to help international students succeed academically. It is important for international students to research and understand the specific academic expectations and resources available at their institution in order to achieve their academic goals.

"Maintaining good grades is not just about being intelligent, but also about being disciplined in your study habits." - IS USA Online

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It is up on colleges and universities you attend to understand that in the US typically use one of two academic calendars: the semester system or the quarter system. Under the semester system, the academic year is divided into two semesters, with each semester lasting approximately 15 weeks. Under the quarter system, the academic year is divided into three quarters, with each quarter lasting approximately 10 weeks. There are some differences in how courses are structured and how grades are assigned between the two systems, but the overall academic expectations for students are generally similar.

There are several grading systems used by colleges and universities in the US. The most common grading system is the letter grading system, which assigns letter grades to student work. The letter grades range from A to F, with A being the highest grade and F being a failing grade. Some institutions also use a plus and minus grading system, which includes grades such as A+, A-, B+, B-, etc.

Another grading system used in some institutions is the pass/fail grading system, in which students receive either a pass or fail grade for their work, with no letter grades assigned. Some institutions also use a numerical grading system, in which student work is graded on a scale from 0 to 100%.

"Good grades are not just a destination but a reflection of the dedication you put into your studies."- IS USA Online

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The commonly used scale for converting GPA to a percentage in the US is as follows:

  • GPA 4.0 is equivalent to 100%
  • GPA 3.7 is equivalent to 93-96%
  • GPA 3.3 is equivalent to 83-86%
  • GPA 3.0 is equivalent to 77-80%
  • GPA 2.7 is equivalent to 73-76%
  • GPA 2.3 is equivalent to 63-66%
  • GPA 2.0 is equivalent to 60-62%
  • GPA below 2.0 is considered failing.

Regular communication with your academic advisor is a crucial aspect of ensuring that you stay on track towards achieving your academic goals and meeting degree requirements throughout your academic career. By maintaining an open line of communication with your advisor, you can receive guidance and support in navigating the academic requirements of your program, as well as in developing an academic plan that aligns with your personal and professional aspirations. Furthermore, your advisor can provide valuable feedback on your academic progress, offer recommendations for course selection, and assist you in identifying and pursuing opportunities for academic enrichment and professional development. Therefore, it is essential to establish a relationship with your academic advisor and to communicate with them regularly to maximize the benefits of their expertise and support.

"Fuel your mind with curiosity and determination, and academic achievement will naturally follow."- IS USA Online

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